A device works only when there is proper
connection between the circuit elements. Conducting wires serve in making
complete connection. But, when the conductor has fault in it, it isn't
capable of conducting due to breakage at some point in its length, the device may
no longer operate.
Portable loads such as video
cameras, halogen flood lights, electrical irons, hand drillers, grinders, and
cutters are powered by connecting long 2- or 3-core cables to the mains plug.
Due to prolonged usage, the power cord wires are subjected to mechanical strain
and stress, which can lead to internal snapping of wires at any point. In such
a case most people go for replacing the core/cable, as finding the exact
location of a broken wire is difficult.
In 3-core cables, it appears almost impossible to detect a
broken wire and the point of break without physically disturbing all the three
wires that are concealed in a PVC jacket. The circuit presented here can easily
and quickly detect a broken/faulty wire and its breakage point in 1-core,
2-core, and 3-core cables without physically disturbing wires.
Finding out the exact location of
breakage can be a problem to the user as the wires are usually insulated by PVC
or plastic jacket making the conducting wires inside them invisible.
Invisible Broken wire detector is
an instrument, very useful under these circumstances since it can easily detect
the location of internal snapping without contact and physical disturbance.When it
senses the breakage in the faulty wire the LED in the instrument turns off, the
user knows the location of the fault and the broken section of wire can be
replaced easily.
Our basic aim in this project is to locate the exact position
of breakage in conducting wires concealed in PVC jacket without physically
damaging the jacket thus reducing the waste of time as well as resources.
Invisible Broken-Wire Detector Block Diagram
General Description
To detect the exact location of
the broken wire inside the PVC jacket we employ our circuit with a hex
inverter CMOS which uses its actions to
control an oscillator which in return detects the presence of ac current and
thus shows us the exact location till where the wire is intact and allowing the
passage of current through it.
1) CMOS hex inverter CD4069UB
The CD4069UB consists of six inverter circuits and is manufactured using complementary MOS (CMOS) to achieve wide power supply operating range, low power consumption, high noise immunity, and symmetric controlled rise and fall times.
2) 1N4148 High speed switching diodes
These have high switching speed up to4ns and have continuous reverse voltage upto 100 volts, repetitive peak reverse voltage; max:100V and repetitive peak forward current; max:450mA.
3) BC547 transistor
4) Resistors
47 ohm
1M ohm
560 ohm
220 ohm
5)1.5 x 2 AG13 or LR44 type button cells
6) LEDs
7) Bread board
8) 2200P capacitor
9) Connecting wires and probe
The CD4069UB consists of six inverter circuits and is manufactured using complementary MOS (CMOS) to achieve wide power supply operating range, low power consumption, high noise immunity, and symmetric controlled rise and fall times.
2) 1N4148 High speed switching diodes
These have high switching speed up to4ns and have continuous reverse voltage upto 100 volts, repetitive peak reverse voltage; max:100V and repetitive peak forward current; max:450mA.
3) BC547 transistor
4) Resistors
47 ohm
1M ohm
560 ohm
220 ohm
5)1.5 x 2 AG13 or LR44 type button cells
6) LEDs
7) Bread board
8) 2200P capacitor
9) Connecting wires and probe
1) Wide supply voltage range: 3V to 15V,
2) High noise immunity,
3) Operating temperature range : -55 C to +125 C,
4) Portable,
5)No physical disturbance,
6) Contactless detection,
7) Low power requirements,
9)Easy to use ,
10)Useful and handy instrument.
2) High noise immunity,
3) Operating temperature range : -55 C to +125 C,
4) Portable,
5)No physical disturbance,
6) Contactless detection,
7) Low power requirements,
9)Easy to use ,
10)Useful and handy instrument.
Thus the circuit was made
successfully which can easily detect broken point in the wire inside PVC jacket
without physically disturbing it.
The whole circuit can be accommodated in a small PVC pipe and used as a handy broken-wire detector. This will make the circuit more compact and east to handle. The handy broken-wire is portable and less prone to damage.
The whole circuit can be accommodated in a small PVC pipe and used as a handy broken-wire detector. This will make the circuit more compact and east to handle. The handy broken-wire is portable and less prone to damage.
The circuit is made cheap and
best. It would not only be able in reducing wastage of time but resources too.
Thus using just a hex inverter and few resistors we are able to construct a device which can easily detect a faulty broken wire and thus save the extra cost of a user which is incurred on replacing it which is otherwise too difficult.
Thus using just a hex inverter and few resistors we are able to construct a device which can easily detect a faulty broken wire and thus save the extra cost of a user which is incurred on replacing it which is otherwise too difficult.
We can use an inverter in between the led and the oscillator
which will then turn on the LED only when the broken point is detected and
keeping it off when wire is not broken. By making this change we can make our
detector more user-friendly which now directly shows the broken point.